TETRA-ETCH® fluorocarbon etchant is a non-pyrophoric chemical solution for treating the surface of fluorocarbons to make them markable, bondable and pottable. A sodium compound in the solution reacts with highly fluorinated polymers to form a reactive film on the polymer surface. Nearly any adhesive can be used on this treated surface.
The active sodium in TETRA-ETCH® etchant reacts with the surface molecules of a halogenated polymer to form a carbonaceous film of free radicals. These radicals react with 02 and H2O and each other to form a layer of chemically active groups attached to the surface. These then react with adhesives and potting compounds to form a true chemical bond..
EXP: 09/06/2025
· Printed circuit boards (microwave or PTFE)
· Medical devices and tubing
· Fluoropolymer sheet and tape stock
· Wires and cables
Features of Tetra Etch:
- Fast acting
- High strength
- Easy to use
- Guaranteed shelf life
- Available from stock
Features for Etching Fluorocarbon polymers:
- Non-pyrophoric
- Suitable for PTFE, PFA and FEP
- Suitable for spot, batch or continuous etching
- Suitable for thinning by adding TETRA-THIN™ thinner.